We had an excellent first day of sprinting after the Connexions conference. Today's report includes pictures of people working together, but tomorrow we will include more links and screenshots, hopefully. About 30 people total participated on the following projects:
- Clemens from Aloha gave a mini lesson on the Aloha editor and then VOER and BCCampus built Hello-world plugins. Marvin from OERPUB wrote documentation about how to create new plugins!
- BC Campus, Aloha, and OERPUB worked on a Wordpress plugin for the OERPUB editor. We have embeds of the editor in the

Oerpub Remix tools and in the Connexions Authoring Tools Client. But this is the first embed in a completely independent framework.
- Marvin cleaned up the media plugin prototype.
- Huy from VOER worked on creating links between different sections of a textbook, including search and integration with the editor.
- OERPUB's UI team brainstormed about integrating an author's workspace, organizing textbook content, and the editor and its semantic toolbox. They also did user interface testing with sprint participants around a few last details of the editor design.
- Ha from VOER got install instructions written for Fedora for the Authors Tools Client.
- Other topics, less editor related - a group worked on Wikipedia pages for OpenStax College and learned about making good reference materials that Wikipedia articles can point to (with good dates and author info). CNX worked on better logging, a catalog for OpenStax textbooks, VOER did Elastic Search research and porting old simple author accounts to OpenID.
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